Our family winery started operating in Monor in 2020. Our activity started out of love and respect for wine and grapes. Our cellar is more than 100 years old, a well-known classic icon of the Monori Winery Village. At the Fecske Pince, traditional winemaking takes place, all phases of winemaking are done in style in the cellar - which is already considered a curiosity these days.

We don't have decades or centuries of experience behind us, we have vintner/winemaking ancestry, but the love for nature, the countryside, and grapes was already instilled in us as children. As a first-generation winemaker, there are many challenges, but it makes enjoying the wine you drink all the more memorable. We spent the summer holidays with our grandparents in the countryside, we inherited our love for the land from them, and we hope that we will be able to pass it on to our descendants.

Grape growing and winemaking have a hundreds of years of tradition in Monoro and the region. The atmosphere of Monori Winery captivated us when we first walked up to the mountain, which is more of a hill with its 190-meter height, but also boasts a lookout point.


The history of our cellar goes back to long ago, a legendary place in the history of Strázsa Hill. 

At the beginning of the 1900's, it was operated as a liquor factory, and after the owner was put on the kulak list and had to leave Hungary. The cellar became the property of TSZ, it became the scene of great communist parties, and during this time its equipment and facilities got lost and stolen. So it laid orphaned, empty, and ruined for a long time. Meanwhile, dr. John D. Németh - the son of Gábor Németh, who was also forced abroad for several decades - became a well-known winemaking authority throughout California, United states. 

He developed a huge vineyard in the world-famous Napa Valley, which became a Japanese interest. In the summer of 1991, he dared to come back home to Monor with his wife who was originated from Japan. They visited the grave of Jons's  father, and also paid a visit to the remains of their old cellar. This moment his wife Michiko Suzuki persuaded him that - again as János Németh - it would be worthwhile for him to make a serious investment there.

The investment unfortunately failed, because János left for good in 2000, and his wife was no longer able to revive the winery alone.

THe Vineyard

Our family's 6.2 acres vineyard is located in Monor and Bénye. Old vines were cut down in our Bénye areas and we replanted part of the area in April 2024. Bénye is the southern extension of the Gödöllő hills, which provides excellent 1st. 'Kataster' classification soil for grape growing. 

We will also plant a new vineyard on our estate in Monor in 2025. This year, we are preparing the area with great care and attention for the reception of the -little ones. We have a good relationship with the best winemakers and grape growers in the wine region, and we currently buy some of the grapes needed for winemaking from them. Their experience in relation to the grapes here is a great asset, thus we are better prepared to process the current grapes and apply the appropriate technological processes. 

Winemaker András Fecske, the owner of the winery with his wife, his father and three indispensable companions - Domino, Néró, Mazsola - make their wines with great care, heart and soul. 

"Wine is a man's thing, you have to talk about it quietly. Most appropriately with a glass of wine." 

Sándor Márai


If you would like to taste with us or buy wine, please contact us using one of the contact details below.

Fecske PincE and Wine terrace

0036 70 3143466

                                                                                                       [email protected]   


2200. Monor, Kékfrankos sor, Magyarország